Monday, February 7, 2011


I've been making some more hats and diaper covers for my photographer friend. I'm quite enjoying myself. This time I think instead of monetary payment, we will be getting a family photo session...maybe I'll have to enlarge a couple of the hats I've been making for the 1 and 3 year old that are going to get their pictures taken. That would be fun. Can you believe that they are that old already (next month)!? It will be different. My baby will no longer be quite so much baby and my big girl will have some real big girl competition (and camaraderie). They do already play together well. I just need to be listening to make sure L isn't getting "handled" too much...pushed, pulled, physically moved, walked...that sort of thing. Kj has all the best intentions, but I try to tell her that she isn't big enough for doing such things. Well, back to the original post, here is a picture.

(I have found that I can post pictures directly from my camera, and now I am getting even more behind getting pictures on the computer...)

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