Monday, January 3, 2011


  1. L's cough easing up
  2. medicine to help my husband get better
  3. successful emergency room visits
  4. a husband to get me there
  5. a friend to stay with the sleeping children in the middle of the night
  6. an aunt to come and take care of us all
  7. and make chicken soup
  8. and play with the kids
  9. and let us nap
  10. Gatorade
  11. a recliner
  12. being well enough to travel to our holiday destinations
  13. Curl Grandmas, Nanas and Grandpas that help with childcare while one or both parents are sick or tired
  14. the first New Year's Eve out since being pregnant the first time (~4 years)
  15. safe travel during bad weather
  16. seeing Aunt R.
  17. L. meeting Aunt R.
  18. The Library Lion book
  19. this question: "Can you really be considered the author of a counting board book if you are not the illustrator?" (all there are is numbers on each page)
  20. Kj reading books out loud to herself (she seldom does it when asked to)
  21. multiple doctors at our clinic to get a last minute appointment
  22. a rest-filled day
  23. not having the car today
  24. new music from Nana/Mama #2
  25. huge otherwise unattainable prayer requests that God will orchestrate the answer for
  26. soothing bottles
  27. Boppy-like pillows
  28. sweetness in a snugly 14 pound package
  29. joy in a book-loving nearly 30 pound body
  30. strength of my tall, dark, and handsome husband
  31. free family photo shoots
  32. Kj naptime so L. can discover her new toys
  33. smiles despite sickness
  34. indoor bathrooms :)
  35. 10 months old this week!!
  36. the fact that she likes to copy noises and such, so I can get her to cough by coughing myself
  37.'s kind of wiggly right this merely teething?
  38. tough love
  39. boldness
  40. 2/4 health
  41. God's abundant provision
  42. feeling ever-increasing contentment with staying home all week
  43. snugglers during naptime
  44. a great 1 year old washer
  45. a clean fridge...thought I would do that since there was barely anything in there, and the items in there were from last year!
  46. loud nighttime breathing to know that, "yes, she is still breathing"
  47. new books
  48. arch books
  49. Bible verses put to music for kids (and parents) to learn

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