Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yard Games with Swim Noodles

I found this idea in the Family Fun Magazine.  I need to purchase 2 large noodles to finish up this first project.  When I do this we can use it as a target, throwing balls through the hoops.

The two noodles below were purchased to finish the above project, not realizing that it required bigger noodles.  To make the ground hoops, you stick 2 small sticks or chopsticks in the ground and put the noodles over them.  The kids can then pass balls through them or crawl through them.  My girls got stuck trying to dig up the yard putting sticks in and pulling them out...  Hmm...  I had to tell them that job was for Mama. 

Sisters.  I'll end with this cute picture.  I was just realizing that their hair is the same length.  They were sitting together with a stick full of leaves, and pulling the leaves off of it.  I had already put the camera back in the house, and had to sneak back in to get it, just for this scene.

1 comment:

KgL said...

looks like fun! Can you bring the noodles/circles for the reunion?