Wednesday, November 10, 2010

holy experience

143. Olive juice. Aisle of view. Aloof ewe. Eye laugh you. A lab boo...from a friend's message to her fiance.
144. "Gershuss"...I don't know either, just a word that Kj uses regularly...trying to find out what it is by context and it isn't working...
145. silicone hot pads that double as "seat stickers" in my Keekaroo height chair, so I didn't have to buy another part to the seat
146. "Thank you for making lunch, mama."
147. kj saying #146 without being taught
148. taking a couple minute break to write these down
149. phone calls from friends
150. phone calls from my mom
151. being guilt free when hanging up with telemarketers...because I actually am busy taking care of children
152. perfect teaching opportunities
153. rain on a day we're not going out anyway
154. Kevin sleeping through my cough, but waking up to help a crying child
155. pictures of the girls with a new friend from our visiting last weekend
156. anticipating Kevin's homecoming!

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