Friday, November 12, 2010

181. conversation:

Kj: mama I found some bugs
Mama: oh, did they wiggle
Kj: no
Mama: good
Kj: mama, I need a kleenex to pick them up
Mama: ok (give her tissue)
Kj: (comes back) mama here's some bugs I pick up so I not scream at them
Mama: oh, thank you (studied the bug to make sure it was actually dead)
Kj: they are hairy they be dead bugs (off she goes to play again)

182. Kj caught herself after only rolling down half the stairs
183. that she wasn't alarmed at the sight of her bloody nose
184. "It's ok, my owie is good. It's better now."
185. new routines
186. brushing my teeth before bedtime
187. getting dressed for the day in sweat pants :) (call me if you are going to visit and I'll change, but I can't guarantee that my hair will be clean)
188. knowing when Baby L. is ready for a nap
189. her going down smoothly
190. stories of my little girls told by my friends (sad and sweet)

Kj was at Wednesday school at church a couple weeks ago and all the kids were running to their "gym" class. She was the slowest although running as fast as she could. She was calling for her Hannah, "Hannah, Hannah wait for me!" Hannah didn't stop or even slow down. All the sudden Kj stopped in the middle of the hall and just started crying. (Hannah's mama was there to give her a hug.)

At "gym" class Kj was holding on to Hannah while running and playing. One of the teachers told Kj that Hannah wasn't able to play with Kj holding on to her.
At first I was a bit frustrated, because Kj always wants to hold hands, but I don't know how to teach her that some people don't always want to do that. Then I realized that if Hannah wasn't pushing Kj away then she was ok with the attention. (Hannah's typical reaction, though I know she loves Kj very much, is to push her away or pull herself away--IF she doesn't want that attention!)

191. plain yogurt with blueberry puree for the girls, yoplait-lots-of-sugar yogurt for me

192. "Mama, I want to give L. a sloppy kiss."
193. ride for L. to the bedroom

194. naptime forts
195. Moses baskets

196. Kj hiding under the laundry basket
197. me putting them in their hiding spot, leaving, then finding them again
198. "Your hair is like a flower."
199. stories of Life!
200. tears of joy
201. God's provision
202. friendship
203. support
204. good mail
205. sneaking alfredo leftovers at dual naptime again
206. being teeth conscious
207. the fine line between conscious and paranoid
208. letting things go
209. Loretta...every week telling us she's glad our family came
210. contentedness
211. prayer
212. Friday
213. the weekend
214. Kevin home in just a few short hours

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