Friday, November 12, 2010

holy experience

215. movie tonight (Friday)
216. being married into a wonderful family
217. sister-in-laws that are also great friends--all three of you!!
218. 2 mamas
219. contracts
220. baby L. kisses

221. from Kevin...
running water
good restaurants down the block
leftover pizza
wireless internet
a Bible in my language
a bike
a car
a wonderful family
green eyes to look at
40 hour a week contract
David's elapser program
Dad to go to the football game with
Baby L.'s smiles
time to spend with Kj
free haircuts
big trees in our yard
free tree trimming from the electric company
soft bed
a good employer
flexible hours
good healthcare plan
Fender guitar
Line 6
no one telling me I shouldn't play electric guitar on Sunday morning
playing guitar with Caleb
pentatonic scale
the bike trail
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Kj remembering verses
good HS friends
college roommate living down the block
Anna's friends' husbands
financial restraint
a handy dad that I can learn from
good health
no recurring sports injuries
parents who live within 3 hours
.net--gives me a job
prospect of a new work computer
a new storm door
coming home and seeing my 3 girls
my fancy pillow we bought when we first got married that number 50? Nope, 51
(can you tell what business he is in??)

222. plants
223. my friend and I marrying roommates
224. she had a baby!!
225. confidences
226. watching our babies grow
227. being amazed at each new change
228. looking back and seeing the progress
229. wondering what the future will bring
230. glareless glasses for my husband

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