Thursday, November 11, 2010

holy experience

157. IM
158. no cell phones
159. my cleaning motivation the last few days
160. the fact that my table (old and new) is attracts all sorts of papers that I have to figure out what to do with
161. classes for new moms and babies
162. friends to go to class with
163. friends to watch over a sleeping toddler so that I can go with baby
164. Nana and Grandpa's visit this weekend
165. projects to make the house warmer this winter
166. all the things we all can do but don't
167. leftovers for lunch
168. enough for all of us, so I don't have to sneak
169. reading Aunt C's list...maybe I already have that on hard to know if there are duplicates
170. not that you wanted to know this, but poop going in the potty not the panties
171. "May I have an M&M?" "No, but thank you so much for going in the potty!!!!"
172. video chatting with Nana
173. good friends that you can ask to be naptime sitters
174. meatless meals
175. that my husband doesn't mind the occasional meatless meal
176. Kevin coming home very soon
177. visitors to promote quick sprucing up
178. new friendships made
179. anticipation of future get togethers
180. my good looking husband

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