Thursday, November 18, 2010

295. laughing because the girls just laid down and Kj is shushing L.
296. going to Hawaii vicariously through my friend's pictures
297. the fact that my new dish washing routine is working!
298. new books from the library--we already read every single one
299. looking forward to another library day
300. happening to go on just the right day, at just the right time to go to story time, with a very animated librarian lady!
301. knowing for almost certain that my daughter is not sick, just got overfed
302. healthy girls
303. Kj to L.: Where's the dot com one? (looking at a Cars book)
304. Kj: Mama's going to sit on my lap. (often pronounced wap)
Daddy: She's going to sit on your lap?
Kj: No, I got a little lap.

Kevin: What are you thankful for?
Kj: baby dolls
Kj: teddy
Kevin: hot soup, bike...
Kj: my bike, my red bike...
Kj: Jesus, Jesus live in my heart

306. evening outings and still getting baths done

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