Tuesday, November 2, 2010

holy experience

45. husband who bikes to work so I can have the car, even on days I don't need or want it...it's just nice to have here!
46. Bedtime...for me!!
47. finding infant toys that I thought were lost...I even replaced some already, but now there will be enough for both girls...because, of course, the toys that are for Baby L. only are the most desirable ones to Kj.
48. new windows that open when you want them to
49. window installers that also take away old storm doors!
50. special window cleaning cloths to shine up my new windows
51. how windows can have so many good things about them
52. my sister-in-law who is also doing this "gratitude project" from halfway around the world...Great job!! I love you!!
53. the amazing God-given abilities to make 48-51...No man could have done it alone!
54. "Booooks"
55. the voicemail in my emails that says, "Children obey your parents." From Nana to Kj.
56. packing...not at the last minute
57. a load of our favorite clothes-CLEAN!-to choose from
58. hot chocolate
59. Kj recounting the story of Jonah that she learned this morning at Bible study
60. using Noah's ark and animals to reenact #59
61. $5 diaper coupon in exchange for 2 defective diapers...all I had to do was finally call them
62. hot drink to sooth my scratchy throat
63. this particular combination: "Mama, I need you to take me to the bathroom." + clean panties when we get there!!!
64. "family" potty seats
65. random kisses heard coming from the direction of my toddler
66. extra soup to share with my friend, a new mom
67. re-organization

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