Saturday, November 13, 2010

231. paying $17 for a $50 purchase
232. taking a walk
233. Nana/Kj dates
234. parties to make new friends
235. home canned salsa
236. home canned applesauce for Baby L.
237. home canned pumpkin for all the yummy pumpkin products for the season
238. overnight guests
239. waffles for supper
240. new books
241. new sewing projects
242. quick sewing projects, so I can feel like I have actually done some sewing!!
243. rotary cutter from my dad #2 for Christmas a few years ago
244. Kj waking up from a nap happy, rested, content
245. Kj stepping on a box of pins, not getting hurt, and saying, "Mama, it's ok. I help you pick them up. I pick up the pink ones."
246. no wind/rain/snow
247. we could go out for a walk because of #246
248. coloring
249. answers
250. trying new recipes...split pea soup in the crock pot...we'll see how it turns out
251. baby books...just not the filling them out part...
252. Hymns Ancient and Modern
253. Kj praying..."Mama, I'm praying. I'm praying for Jesus." (she was actually praying to Jesus for Daddy)
254. patience
255. breaks
256. lots of things to do
257. not knowing what to pick then I just find more things to be thankful for!
258. movie night (Did I mention that already? We just had another one.)
259. sunshine
260. Sonshine
261. minced onions--so I don't have to cut up my own and cry all day
262. particular daughters (sometimes) - as far as I can tell, Baby L. will only drink a bottle that she has seen you make. No leftovers, none of the previously frozen supply. Also, not right after she's eaten sitting in her height chair. I switched her bottle schedule up last week and she hasn't had very much since. This "particularity" will serve her well in the future...if nurtured properly!
263. "real" mail!...that I will open...
264. Kevin getting mail from a flower shop...that I won't open...
265. World Vision Gift Catalog
266. a paycheck
267. getting the banking done
268. being intentional
269. Wow, just realizing my Baby L. took longer than a 1 hour nap!!! "It's a miracle!" Remember Temple Grandin.
270. going back to total focus on household chores (bye for now)

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