Wednesday, November 3, 2010

holy experience

68. vacations
69. visiting friends
70. free tree trimmers sent by the power company that provide good wholesome entertainment for a toddler, and a break for the mama to write these thanks
71. college friends that though we haven't seen each other for 1-3 years we can still visit, have great conversation, and learn from each other
72. matching socks for my girls
73. Kj songs...a mixture of all the songs and verses she knows
74. broken CD player in the car so that I can concentrate on those songs
75. apple tart, soothing warm sweet tea
76. warm sunshiny weather
77. the prospect of a walk later today (postponed due to the entertaining tree trimmers)
78. gifts to deliver
79. "I'm a tree trimmer, a girl tree trimmer, not a boy."
80. "I'm a pastor."
81. "Kj let's play dress-up," I was going to have Kj try on a flower girl dress that I wore. "I want to dress up like a pastor." ...
82. cheap hotdogs
83. kid's soup
84. sneaky Christmas projects
85. homecomings
86. Baby L. finally getting to meet Aunt R. at Christmas
87. plans
88. new resolutions...not letting the dishes pile up so that I need 2 drying racks
89. reading Sis. C's Thanks
90. February when we get to see her again
91. April when my Ami get's married after being a spokesperson for True Love Waits!!
92. $1 calendars so I can write those in
93. dual naptime...can I write that multiple days in a row?? :)
94. not just one but now two chatterbugs...Baby L. is in the "Babababa." stage...which sometimes sounds like "Bumpa" = Grandpa and sometimes like what the sheep says...
95. pictures
96. rediscovering hidden treats
97. and having the snack while doing dishes
98. gummy Vitamin D for an extra boost...and it makes me think of gummy worms...and therefore turns in to a sweet treat in moderation (not referring to 96 & 97)
99. Grandma M's scrubbers
100! YES! Llama Llama Red Pajama in the mail for Kj!
101. Kj's smile when she finds out that she got a new book "from the mailman"
102. being reminded of the California Raisens while making trail mix
103. running out of milk and juice so I can clean that shelf in the fridge door
104. Monday Motivation that isn't normally there
105. lots to do
106. getting my voice back gradually
107. OxiClean spray
108. Miss A. my 8th blog follower, and friend
109. the fact that Miss A. moved within a block of our residence
110. Peek-a-boo giggles
111. tickling giggles
112. using more cloth than disposable
113. getting a load of laundry in
114. coughing as God's automatic slow down switch in my body right now
115. that I can get excited about so many little things in my life
116. sitting on the dining room floor, watching Baby L. stand by a chair and babble
117. walks with the girls
118. video chat with Aunt C.

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