Wednesday, January 5, 2011


  1. ice cream patient children towards their yucky-feeling mama
  2. me as a jungle gym
  3. just enough energy
  4. children's Tylenol
  5. our Fischer Price doll house
  6. the "programmer" - as he is now named by Kj and daddy
  7. "Maybe daddy take his bike to work and we take the car to the libarry."
  8. after finding out that it's too cold for that "Daddy, you get all your warm clothes on and you walk to work."
  9. my homemade Moby Wrap
  10. canned soup
  11. instant rice
  12. leftover biscuits
  13. ER bill that is completely taken care of because we had a baby earlier this year
  14. and since I mentioned that...NICU bill that was totally taken care of too for the previously mentioned reason
  15. bath time as Kj's choice of fun tonight---options given: play upstairs, play downstairs, go for a drive
  16. water therapy for Mama...bath water basting Kj with a former turkey baster
  17. belly button medicine...using a medicine dropper and a sample shampoo bottle to put medicine on her belly button
  18. stories by Kj
  19. relaxing on the couch while Kj updates daddy about her bath time fun (she's still in the tub - the basement has not yet been a draw
  20. fun wedding themes for my friend's wedding
  21. Christmas lights
  22. tent that we've had since Kj was born and just have used now.
  23. bedtime stories
  24. pretending there aren't any dishes to wash from supper
  25. bits of things all over the floor to remind me to vacuum (I'll do that later this week...)
  26. wireless internet
  27. this blog
  28. a digital camera
  29. a framed picture of our 10 month old...although not by herself...I'll get that one later
  30. Love as the reason for Christmas
  31. toys to pick up...because that means they were used
  32. The Christmas Story According to Luke - the children's story book

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