Friday, January 14, 2011


  1. ahh...
  2. library books
  3. my preacher girl
  4. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes..." read on for more reasons not to worry...ex. we are more valuable than the ravens...Luke 12:22+
  5. bright pink paper
  6. the fact that my squash is still good...I cubed most of it for L to steam, but Kj wanted to try some "carrots", she ate raw squash and asked for more! L liked it too, only she had the cooked version. I didn't try either. Now, hoping my pumpkin is still fresh enough for baby food.
  7. pumpkin
  8. whales
  9. a food mill
  10. silicon steamer basket
  11. last minute ideas, that will maybe turn into last minute plans
  12. babbling of a 10 month old and that it might end up being competition for a very verbal 2 year old!
  13. Kj trying to teach L their Aunt R's name...with a little incorrect pronunciation
  14. Kj's diaper pail in her kitchen is a mayonnaise jar - see it back in that corner!?
  15. our basement swing and the smiles it makes
  16. Kj, I'm going upstairs to have some Mama time. (all go upstairs - and after a few minutes we start building with blocks) Oh, Kj I was going to have some Mama time. "You not need Mama time. This is Mama time. Building blocks." Hmm...
  17. kids CDs
  18. a movie to watch tonight
  19. our girls not being able to tell time for now because we'll probably try to send them to bed early

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