Saturday, January 22, 2011

Retreat Weekend

With the girls away at Nana's this weekend we are filling our time with as much fun as possible! Last night started with a pick-up from work, meander through Lowe's, half price dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant, walk through a thrift store (which I've always heard about but never been was ok, but overwhelming how much they had), and then home for smoothie and a movie.

And today...packed as well...Bible Study, guitar playing, sewing, ebow testing, Chinese food, buying salad fixings for Supper 6 tonight, shoveling, mixing, buying gas for the trip to pick up the girls... Thank you so much to Mama #2, for agreeing to this lovely arrangement.

Well, I don't think I covered what I wanted but...just thought I'd check in, no more time to "waste" on the computer, but I'll leave you with this:

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 1 John 3:16

The was the verse read and elaborated on at the sewing get together. The night before I was wrestling with whether or not to go, or to just do "my own" sewing. :) Well, there is my answer. There will be more opportunities (besides I learned a new super easy dress pattern-pictures to come).

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