Monday, January 10, 2011


  1. outing with the girls
  2. L's first sled ride
  3. a little bit of hard work (shoveling - not too much because it is still snowing)
  4. Kevin's snowpants (maybe someday soon I can find my own - my mom's were really nice when I tried them, maybe I can find those somewhere)
  5. pictures of the girls in their colorful snow outfits
  6. baby snow angels
  7. FF starting again tonight with all our friends!
  8. the girls playing so nicely together, downstairs while I make lunch
  9. "Are you my mother?"
  10. talking to my dad on the phone during lunch
  11. finding someone to pass on baby clothes to
  12. not having to have my teeth pulled
  13. sleeping girls
  14. motivation
  15. the second load of laundry almost done in the washer
  16. all the clean clothes folded and put away
  17. time
  18. new books (new to us books)
  19. rediscovering old books from my childhood
  20. more snow - the tire tracks that I shoveled before lunch are completely covered
  21. more shoveling - I was only going to do the tire tracks again and ended up doing the whole driveway, while the girls played in the living room
  22. looking in the front window and finding happy girls
  23. meeting new families
  24. spare sets of clothes in the diaper bag
  25. jumpers
  26. phone calls with friends
  27. renewed phone time
  28. money for airfare
  29. friends that are very, very, very worth seeing!
  30. the way L lifts her head, scrunches her face and smiles! So, cute, hope I never forget it. It will have to go in the mental picture file though, because I don't think I'll be able to catch it!
  31. sorting
  32. third load of laundry in the washer and ready for the dryer in the morning

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