Sunday, January 9, 2011


  1. babysitting for friends with a newborn boy!! We were the privileged first babysitters
  2. (over)paid with a yummy pie
  3. meandering through shopping centers with just looking without children
  4. having friends over during supper and sharing the leftover pie with them, while the kids unknowingly played very nicely downstairs :)
  5. sharing
  6. the tea set that we found to order for Kj's 3rd birthday!! - after looking at several stores in town, I decided (while I was holding a sleeping child and really couldn't do anything else) to look online. Yeah, yeah, yeah! You'll see it when you see it.
  7. to have birthday gift shopping accomplished for my girls...on to Christmas shopping, I guess (2010 Christmas shopping that is)...our family will be having Christmas in February due to Aunt C. being out of the country these past few months
  8. new perspectives
  9. new ideas
  10. Scripture - I don't have to come up with "great", "fancy", "interesting" words to pray, just use The Scripture
  11. soccer
  12. seeing cousins
  13. trying something new (watching indoor soccer with 2 girls - L liked watching all the movement, and Kj did sit some but liked walking back and forth on the bleachers)
  14. learning something new (2 fingers and click gets the correct spelling of a word)
  15. L sleeping through the night...this is not a new accomplishment, but I was reminded of it recently!!
  16. nursery workers
  17. LearningLand
  18. Sunday School teachers
  19. our pastors
  20. KC's mom, gave me my first and current Christmas tree
  21. KC - she's so sweet and though we don't see each other often, we can just start up where we left off, and she's so encouraging
  22. Miss T.'s phone call, I didn't expect it and it was great to hear from her again!!
  23. BG - you're a wonderful mentor/friend
  24. the swing
  25. the kitchen made by "Bumpa" with a counter top from L&C
  26. oak trees

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