Thursday, January 6, 2011


  1. a new day, renewed health!!
  2. a call from Aunt A. - she's in town with Nana!
  3. visitors today
  4. a little nap this AM and Kj playing quietly during it
  5. the possibility of instituting a morning rest time for all of us...we've got a 2 day in a row start...
  6. learning turn taking and already getting good at it - Thanks to games
  7. an outing
  8. a night out again tomorrow
  9. mall walking
  10. happy girls
  11. dishes washed
  12. rest time
  13. major decisions such as whether to write a Christmas letter to go with our pictures or not :)
  14. the idea of staging toys for the girls at night that I got from my mama - the dollhouse is set
  15. anticipating a new arrangement of our living room after the tree gets taken rush on that though, I'm still enjoying the lights in the morning and at night.
  16. some extra spending money to buy a new pair of running/walking shoes when spring comes - I was just re-realizing today that mine just don't cut it for a good walk anymore
  17. my serger - I want to try to make some baby gifts soon
  18. a new sweater
  19. having as much fun looking around the "toy setchion" as my 2 year old
  20. ideas for 1 year old and 3 year old birthday presents
  21. Aunt C. will be "home" in less than 2 months

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